So like many people today, I had an aliment that western medicine was not helping. I went to the Natural Medicine Center because on their website it said to come in for a ""free 20 min health consultation"". They had wonderful reviews so I thought I would give it a try. While I was in the waiting room, I read viable reviews of people who had great success receiving treatment and being healed. I was encouraged and looking forward to what they would tell me. Well, when I got in with the Dr. there really is NO FREE CONSULTATION. He told me that in order to find out how much treatment I needed, they had to do a $100 test. I should have left then... but I decided that I had spent that much on other office visits , so why not? Well after doing the little test that took 2 minutes, he proceeded to tell me that I was in desperate need of his immediate services and that it would cost a little less than $3000 for an eight week treatment!! But if I paid in full he would cut me a deal. Well, needless to say I never returned. Instead, I went back on the internet and found a great acupuncturist who had almost 30 glowing reviews on Yelp and cost only $50 per treatment. He was so honest that he told me that with my aliment if after two session I don't see any improvement, that I don't need to come back for anymore. Natural Medicine Center did look to be able to help people and had lots of amazing testimonials, but if you decide to go there just know they will charge you $100 for a consultation and they are not the most affordable choice.