This daycare center is a joke. My child was enrolled for two weeks before I pulled from the center. When you go for a tour of this day care you leave feeling warm and cozy. Once you sign up it is a different story. I was told my child would be in her classroom with her two Techers. Ell guess what that did not happen. My child was moved from one room to the next several times daily. She had no clue if she was coming or going. Not to mention that most of the Teachers at this center have no clue how to Teach children, I assume these Teachers received their trainings out of a cracker jack box and come to find out if you look on the State of Michigans web page to review this center you will see that they have multiple citations. This center is bad news and I feel for the children who attend this center as they will never be able to establish a bond with one particular Teacher. What a shame. Please save your time and money and look elsewhere!