My Dental visit went very well. Pretty much painless fillings thanks to novocaine or whatever it was. One complaint: I don't like your policy of pay up front and when the insurance pays off we'll (dental office) pay back what you overpaid. All my other medical providers file the infurance claim and, if the insurance doesn't pay all, then I get billed for the remainder. (It's a matter of trust.) Also, I'm not sure why you can't get the same info on line from my insurance that I get the same day after the visit. That is,1. what the dentist charged 2. what the insurance will pay and 3. what the patient's responsibility is. This last visit, the web site showed my responsibuility (after insurance) was $134.00 but I was required to pay $186,00 up front. ??????? Thanks for the review. The rating was on the dental work, not the accounting. That (accounting) would get a much lower rating. Larry