i was in a motorcycle accident 10/27, chp had my bike towed to hadley tow in orange ca. i called AAA 10/28 at about 2:18pm to which they dispatched hadley tow to tow my bike to my house in huntington beach. they warned me to expect a delay &i could expect them there within 30mins-1hr. 45min passed, i had to see my doctor given the situation. i asked the manager if i could leave since i paid the fee to have the bike released &they deliver the bike to my wife at hm. he agreed. they later called me well passed an hour @4:26pm& they ask where my bike is as they cant find it. i was in my Dr's office by this time and Aaron from hadley was asking me a lot of questions. i asked him to talk to my wife, he rudely and sarcastically asked if she knew more about my bike. they said i gave a wrong address and then wound up at a diff yard of theirs about 30 miles away! AAA verified the address i gave &it was the location i was physically at, w/my bike! they never showed up. we asked for another tow yard this time to pick it up. by the time they were there, hadley tow had closed! now i told today (10/29) they wouldn't have anybody open up and let me get my bike until monday! and Erin the girl laughed and said ill just have to pay another $80! she said sarcastically as well "good luck!" and laughed and hung up.
the most CHILDISH staff/people i have ever had to deal with... really sucks, an accident thats not my fault and then hadleys actions.