jason the technician they sent was extrenely knowledgable and informative when he came to fix my furnace. he showed me the in's and out's of my furnace. He took the time to show me all the little problems that lead to the failure of the furnace. This particular technician showed me what to watch for maintenence wise and took the time to set up the furnace properly, unlike the people before him (A different company). The furnace now works and heats the house like it never has before! I can't say enough about his proffesionalism and knowledge, he went way above and beyound the call of duty. The final price to do all this work was less than the competitors show up price. I hope applewood P&H keeps him employed, cause if I ever have to call them again I will be specifically asking them to send him out! He provides service like service should be! I couldn't have been happier with him! He sets the bar high for heating and a/c technicians, everyone in the future will be compared to him.