I love Luna Fitness This is more then just a gym. You are not a number here you are a person. Every staff member knows your name, you feel like family. I have joined several gyms before & you don’t get the personal touch as you do at Luna. They care about you & getting you healthy. If you are looking for a trainer-Gabi Mazar-she is wonderful. She makes you sweat & pushes you to your limit & then wants you to go a little further. She also cares about you. I have some personal stuff going on & missed about 40 days at the gym. Gabi stayed in touch with me & encouraged me to come back to the gym as soon as I could, she just did not give up on me. Nobody did at Luna. Skye who is also the owner of the gym-has been in contact with me & really cares about you as a person, not just a client at her gym. Since both of these ladies have taken the time to go out of their way and kept in touch with me I will be entering their weight loss challenge they are starting tomorrow 01/11/2011, to win a free cruise, what other gym can you say that does this? I would highly recommend Luna Fitness.