Teenas is claiming to be the ""Best Day Spa in Madison and Jersey County"", even though no one really voted! She bought an ad on Fox News and thinks she is entitled to call herself the Best Spa! (I did a similar ad about a year ago, but I didn't lay claim to being the best, just because I bought a pricey ad for my business) Beware Ladies..... this woman is trouble. You have no privacy because she talks about eveyone that goes there. Another friend of mine knows every person that shaves, waxes or anything else they do to their privates. I think the owner of a well known bar in town would be pissed to know that Teena tells everyone what all she waxes for him and uses his name. I was out this weekend and heard more and more horror stories about people who have gone to this place, for example; infections, rashes, treated badly, overcharged. The employees don't even stay there very long because of Teena and her dishonest ways. Everytime I have ever seen her out in public she is drunk with her husband spreading her gossip and wollering around in clothes that are 3 sizes too small for her and acting like she is better than everyone else. The reality is that she comes from a ran down trailer park, has traded sex for anything she has ever had and lies about everything to make herself out to be something she will never be. I worked with her for years at a local grocery and she was a liar then too.