Formerly Trader Vics now Bar 210. hmmmm another venue that has great pictures. I mean the pictures of the venue looks much better than the actual venue.
Bar staff sucks. I'm all good with having stunning bar staff but whats the point if they don't know their drinks or cant handle the stress of bar tending. These staff are used to pretending they are models and actors but when it comes to actual work they tend to suffer the reality of it
Apart from 2-3 of the bouncers, the rest are morons. I would say that its safe to to assume that when a promoter tell you they work at the club you should try to confirm with other staff rather than starting a fight with the promoter.
Thursdays are weak and Fridays are dead so Saturdays is the only night worth attending. Lots of UCLA kids with blue eyes and blonde hair LOL. The energy is awesome with DJ Tony Martinez.
The downside is the cover charge so unless you look stunning you will have to pay.
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