I wish there was a way to give this company a lower rating. They are vultures who look for any opportunity to take advantage of unsuspecting home owners. Their business has nothing to do with providing safety and security. It is wholly focused on making a buck by exploiting the fine print in your HOA around towing cars. We had many incidents with them in our previous Irvine home - including one night when they had the audacity to attempt to tow our car from our OWN DRIVEWAY because it was ""encroaching on the sidewalk"". There is no negotiating or reasoning with them on any level. All people we have dealt with at this company have been rude beyond belief. We found out the hard way this evening that we are stuck with them in our new neighborhood, as well. We will be petitioning our HOA to replace them with a valid security company as soon as possible. If you are moving into a neighborhood monitored by Patrol One, please reconsider! They will make your life hell.