I understand that getting your car towed is never a fun experience but it should definitely not be like pulling teeth to get YOUR OWN property back! After my car was towed for being in a parking lot for 30 minutes I called this number from the signs around the lot. That inbred hick Jeff spoke so trashy that all I knew was his ""Towing Lot"" was somewhere off E.Bearss, OR off Nebraska, OR off 12th Street? Finding his ""Professional Service"" literally took 1 and a half hours and multiple calls filled with disrespect and profanity. My friends could clearly hear his trashy voice yelling at us over my phone as ""What is wrong with you F****** People?"" The ""Easily Light Up Sign"" was a plywood board covered with a fancy sticker and completely blocked behind multiple U-Hauls. There was practically no way to find his towing lot at nighttime since the office is behind all the trucks and there's only 1 poorly light sigh with no other lights letting you know that area is even someone's property. If your vehicle has the misfortune to get towed by this crazy inbred hillbilly, I am so sorry and hope your able to get your vehicle back and with as little profanity filled insults as possible.