I have never had a more frustrating experience with healthcare. I am normally not one to write negative reviews as I feel like mistakes happen in life and sometimes they happen to you. I would be willing to overlook one or two mistakes, but not mistakes from start to finish. When I showed up the nurse that called me back called me by a different name. I was the only one in the waiting room so when I told her that wasn't me she left and came back promptly to call me. She had no file on me, asked me if I was a new patient, and when I said I was not looked confused. She asked me some questions in the exam room, told me to put on a gown and then left. I waited for 45 minutes before Shari House finally came to see me. She let me know that my wait was due to the fact that no one had told her I was there. If I were a doctor waiting for a scheduled patient I might go ask if my patient had arrived??? I don't know the ins and outs of being a doctor however so I was willing to let all of these things go eventhough I was frustrated. The visit just continued to get worse though. I've seen Shari five or six times in the past yet she had no record of me on hand and she asked me if I had ever been in before. I understand that she sees lots of patients in a day, but having seen her multiple times over the years it was frustrating that she had no recognition of me. After the pap she told me the other nurse would be in to take some blood work. I waited for ten minutes and left, because I'd been waiting far too long already. I told the receptionist I had to go back to work and that since my pap was done I wasn't that concerned about the blood work. As if all of this wasn't enough...now they can't find my lab results. I called once and spoke with someone who said I'd get a call back right away about the issue and now I've called and left messages and have yet to get a return call or explanation to remedy the situation. The disorganization is intolerable and the lack of concern for me as a patient is intolerable as well. It's not an easy task to go in for a pap and the last thing you want to hear is that you were forgotten or that your results can't be located. My recommendation is to not visit this clinic. This many mistakes means something is seriously wrong and your healthcare should be in the hands of people who care.