I used to come here as a teenager for years when it was la cue and now I am in my mid twenties and I have to say that I miss how it used to be. It seemed depressing the few times I went in recently and I think it is turning into more of a club with the DJ than a pool hall. There we hardly any people there and the music was blasting. A friend and I decided to leave. We liked the juke box and being able to pick our own music.\r
I wish they would go back to how things were. It had a little more lighting, they sold candy even and it looked more like a fun pool hall than a dingy bar. I think they even used to have 8 ball tournaments on Monday nights and lockers for those that were there often.They should try that again on a sunday or monday with the tournaments. I know a few people who go here more often if it was more for the ""pool players"" rather than just looking run down. \r
I think they should make this more of a pool hall than just a loud bar and it would bring in more crowds; we have enough bars.