My father was in The Menorah House from July 2008 until he passed away November of 2009. The staff members were unkind , uncaring even to the patient’s families. Betweebn the living conditions and the quality of care he received on a daily basis, whatever dignity the man had left was gone! The quality of care he received was awful. Unfortunately, my mother had power of attorney and we fought like hell to get him out of there. But she thought it was fine for him. I have proof and evidence of the dirty filth and abuse these helpless seniors faced on a daily basis. Now that my father is gone…I do not have to worry about speaking my mind since my dad will not have to suffer the consequences of my actions! Please do not expose your loved ones to ‘The Menorah House! P.S. I only pickes a rating since it was required. It doesn’t deserve 1 star!