Father's Day 2009:
I took my partner & father of my son for Father's Day lunch at his request. His mom was also there.
She ordered the deep fried pepper calamari (I forget the exact name).
An older waitress (seemed like owner) brought the plate of what we thought was calamari to my partner's mom.
She began to eat it, said...OOOh this is good. So my partner too began to taste some if it.
Just then while they were both eating off the same plate, the waitress walked up and snatched the plate right off our table scolding us ""not yours not yours"".
We kind of chuckled nervously and looked around.
I personally watched the waitress carry the plate to the cashier counter and leave it there. It was NEVER out of my sight. A couple minutes later the same waitress came out and picked up the SAME PLATE they were eating off of and put it on someone else's table.
We were horrified. Needless to say I never want to eat there again.