Dr.Robinson ,and his assistant Laura are lifesavors.They recently saved our cat Joey"s life, by promptly and efficiently diagnosing a urinary blockage.If it werent for them Joey had 48 hours or less to live.This was the first day Joey exibited any discomfort,and we were able to bring Joey right in without an appointment.They both immediately advised us to go to the animal hospital ,where Joey was admitted , and ultimately his life was saved. Dr Robinson also saved my cat Fluffys life when she had an abcess on her neck.a couple of years back.It is beyond me why those individuals that made those insulting comments on this sight in an attempt to defame 2 wonderful and caring persons ,would even be allowed to have their insane comments printed.Having an opinion is one thing ,but trying to degrade and insult someone is another.Some people sue for comments like that.Its called defamation of charactor.