As far as my experience at Volkswagen of Oakland it was as good as an experience as I could have hoped for, and I would say it had everything to do with my sales person Chris Garcia. Chris has a very refreshing style of being 100% professional while not being pushy or coming off like a total "sales" guy. He let me move at my pace and didn't try to pull any old school dealer crap that traditionally makes car buying one of the most unpleasant experiences. I'm betting if more sales people (at any dealership) took a page out of Chris's book there would be a lot more sales! I almost walked away from buying a car from VW Oakland after randomly stumbling upon Yelp while doing research on TDi's. I was shocked by what appeared to be the worst reviews I've ever seen of anything...ever. I don't even use Yelp as a tool but the reviews were so bad it was stunning. My wife was not going to buy a car from VW Oakland after what she saw, but then I called Chris he reassured us not to worry about the reviews that we had his 100% guarantee of the professionalism of the dealership and he would standby personally to be sure everything worked out. Which it did, and it was a pleasure and Chris is clearly the reason for it. With his skills I'm sure he won't stay on the floor long but what an asset he will be for your company