We were assigned Fred's heating and cooling by are home warranty co. We scheduled an early morning service call and the repairman arrived 45 mins after we were told he would arrive and he appeared high or hungover. He then proceeded to turn ON the sink water even though we specifically stated that the sink drain was damaged and leaking (The wall had already been removed for the repairman to see under the sink and the pipe was clearly coroded through without having to see water pour through). This obviously caused an unneccessary situation where water poured down through the walls to which he replied "oh, I thought the tub line was the one that leaked". After my wife has to show him where the OBVIOUS leak is he then proceeds to mis-state the facts back to the warranty company becasue he is too lazy to want to do the work that is necessary. He states that we bended the pipe off and that he would have been able to remove only a piece and repair it without tearing up the floor, and th