Late saturday afternoon my dog gashed open her side. She wasn't bleeding but It was big & nasty. When I got to the clinic, the place was packed! I filled out the paperwork & waited my turn. While waiting I saw sick & not so sick pets & hurt & not so hurt pets. I watched the receptionist skillfully juggle phone calls, paperwork, questions, check outs, & incoming emergencies. One lady came in & caused a scene about the "obscene" cost of the office visit & how they were gonna "let her pet die". I was really upset about this until she reached into her coach bag, pulled out her droid with her ring covered fingers, cussed into the phone & peeled out in her rover. I still ffelt so sorry for her pet. I was getting nervous waiting but the receptionist explained how more urgent things had to go first. I was a little mad but I know that if my dog wasn't able to breath or was in really bad shape, I wouldn't want one of the not so sick dogs to go before us. The wait had nothing on a person ER (ive