If you go o her, make sure only once. Before she say something to you like you need to have a cleansing. If she said anything, you shouldn't come back to her. She use her claimed psychic ability and also she use cold-reading. Never never never pay when she asked you pay $$$ for your cleansing. If you have already paid a lot money for cleansing or anything, watch out she will ask you again. Like she needs more energy for cleansing your past life, so need to pay extra money to her etc. If she said one big payment she works for you until your request will be done, don't do it. She just ask you more and more money later. If she ask you to pay anything, ask her for a receipt. Any business including psychic needs to issue receipts. Anything she says, please remember. Make sure how much she charges BEFORE she does anything for you. never never never pay $$$ money.