I stayed at karm for 9 months with my daughter,we had only my car to sleep in. She was 19 an in her last year at high school. we had no problems as one such lady described. I know cause i was an fa i clean the dorm an made sure the blankets were washed an sprayed the beds an mats everyday. i scrubbed the floor in the bathroom an washed walls down. i have cleaned up vomit,urine,blood,an feces. most of the women were good about not leaving a mess but u will always have some that think a mission is like a fancy hotel. sorry it is not an the food was good not great or wonderful but good concidering how many needed to to fed an how somwtimes it was limited by what they had on hand to cook. she needs to be thankful that GOD has karm to help the ones that have no other place to go. an grow up life is hard an yes there will always be things that need to be done so et off u lazy bottom an help out if u want it to be better