Hahaha, wow. I love how every time I read a review site, people are soo negative. I was about to buy a TV at Best Buy or someplace similar and checked the reviews: ""Never Buy Here!, ""They are all LIARS!"", and so it goes. So I felt the need to rectify the negativity I see here.
I personally went to Sit n Sleep. I bought a mattress. Done. It was good. I don't feel deserving every time I make a purchase to get a pat on the back, a solid gold star guarantee that promises if I let my kid crap on the product that I can get it replaced free no questions asked, and I don't expect every time I walk into a store that every employee is having a great day and they happen to love their job at that moment (though I hope for the best).
All I'm saying is, people can be really rude and expect the road they walked on to be paved in gold. Sometimes I go McDonalds.. and ya know what.. I already know going into it that they arent always gonna get my order right. So my advice is take life a bit less seriously.. My best mattress purchases have been at Sit n Sleep and I've just kinda gotten to where I like them. Good people. They don't deserve to be called crooks and such.