I found this on craigslist why do people do stuff like this????\r
The shipping arrangements have already been made before moving to Portugal. The car is at the shipping company in 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 ready to go anywhere in the United States. It will arrive with all the papers and documents required for registration and the keys. The clear title and the bill of sale will be already signed by me. \r
The final price you will have to pay is $5,399 but only if you can make the payment by tomorrow. The payment will be done through eBay. They will act as a third party in this transaction. You will send the money to eBay and as soon as the payment is confirmed they will notify me to proceed with the shipping. I will ship the car, you will receive it and will have 5 days for inspection, both the car and the paperwork. During all this time eBay will hold the money. If you are satisfied with the car and decide to keep it you inform eBay about this and they will release the money to me. If the car is not as advertised and decide not to keep it eBay will refund you the money, no questions asked, and shipping back the car will be my concern. I think this is more than fair for the both of us. Please take into consideration that I will get paid only after you receive the car and make sure everything is as agreed.\r
If you agree with these terms and you have the money, send me your full name and the address where you want the car to be delivered and I will initiate the transaction with eBay. You will receive all the transaction details from them.\r
I will appreciate an answer as soon as possible. Also, feel free to ask me any question you may have.\r
Thank you,\r
Ana Isabel\r