I have been a longtime customer at the Medical Arts Pharmacy. The pharmacy generally provides an excellent customer service, but today’s incident however, calls for immediate attention of the supervisor. Here are the facts:\r
After seeing my doctor today, I was standing in line to get some clarifications on my medication. Renee, the pharmacy technician, was present at the counter to provide some assistance. However, Renee completely ignored my presence and my questions regarding my prescription. She acted visibly irritable, was very short with me, and did not make eye contact when I tried having a conversation. In addition, she had a very strong cigarette odor that made me very noxious. When I managed to get her undivided attention, Renee gave me very confusing and incomplete answers about my medications and added that she “wished she was somewhere else.” \r
I find her behavior unacceptable and her professional performance very poor. \r
I am hopeful that situations like that will be avoided in the future.\r