The North Charleston location is a dump. A dump. Machines go unrepaired, the facility is in shambles, and it looks like nobody working there has ever heard of a mop. They are incapable of providing spray bottles and clean towels for each machine.\r
e-mail complaints go unanswered or after several repeated attempts, someone will promise improvements that never happen. Apparently, they change managers every month.\r
Recently, I went in with my wife and the music was loud enough for a night club. My wife asked one of the employees to turn it down and he said he couldn't, she (my wife) would have to ask the manager. She had to go find the manager. The manager then told her that the people liked the music loud (even though most of the people were wearing headphones). Eventually, he asked her which section and did turn it down some. Of course when we went to the other areas it was just as loud.\r
It seems like the place is run for the employees, not the customers.\r
I'll be gone when my contract is over. There has to be a better place.