I just happened to come across this review of New Orleans Cheer Outlaws - My daughter has been a cheerleader at Outlaws since its inception (about 7 years) - So I think I have a lot more insight then this person. Yes Outlaws has rules that must be followed - anyone who knows the cheerleading world knows it takes months no matter how old the child is to get the routine down. So if every practice a child is missing the WHOLE team suffers. Cheerleading is not an individual sport it is a team sport. The Outlaws is one of the safest gyms around. In the beginning of the year there is a parent meeting and ALL of this information is laid out in black and white and the parent MUST sign before thier child is allowed to start cheering and tumbling. As far as being overpriced please everyone check and you will find they are one of the lowest priced gyms around. They are a small gym and like to keep it small to keep cost down. At the parent meeting a form is signed that states NO refunds of any monies that have been credited to your cheerleaders account will be refunded if you child quits or is asked to leave for not following rules. As far as the open door policy - That is for team practices - parents can watch during tumbling. One of the main reasons is for safety - if a child is watching their parent in a stunt and not concentrating guess what happens - the child falls!!! As for as Elmwood Galaxy Allstars - they are great - our cheerleaders and thier cheerleaders are very good friends and so are us moms we cheer for each other at competitions. To say ""who knows what goes on behind close doors"" is obsurd - and also is called slander - so whoever wrote this which I am sure the owner of the gym will investigate has no idea of what cheerleading consist of and the commitment involved- any gym you go to you will have to pay monthly dues - ANY GYM - we as parents are grateful that we are able to pay the competition fees overtime and not in one lump sum - we are all working parents - before anyone makes a decision check every gym out for yourself - dont take this lady's opinion - make your own choice - anyone who would write a review like this lady did I would have to think twice before taking advice from her - thanks PROUD OUTLAW MOM