I recently went to the Drive-in. I was very excited. The drive-in isn't an everyday visit my friends and I are able to make. We successfully completed the first film, although others were flashing their car lights at the screen and making all sorts of noise. We began to watch the second film. Not half way through our film they shut everything down and announced over the radio ""That will conclude our showings for this evening."" Imagine our surprise during the climax of the film when they just shut the theater down. Not 5 minutes later an employee came to kick us out. We were in the process of cleaning up and folding our blankets. So not only did we feel unjustly treated and offended but we are left to wonder how Alice survived the Zombie attack or if she defeated the Evil Umbrella Corporation.
All the pros of bringing your own treats and controlling the sound won't make up for not seeing the end of your film. BEWARE!