After arriving on Sunday Sept. 19, 2010 to watch my Dolphins play. I was seated at a high top because my mom, sister and her family were joining me. I arrived about 12:15 so that I could make sure I was seated were I could see my Dolphins play. The little helmet signs were up and i was in perfect position to enjoy the game. When the game started and I and my party had ordered. The owner manger decided to change a bunch of the channels to other games. I was no longer posiitoned to watch my dolphins and this guy said it is on behind you turn around. I noticed he told other fans to basically deal with it. Also, this is Carolina Country and he had the Eagles and Detroit on the big screen. I felt like this was a bait and switch. This guy had no guts to leave the TV's and the signs alone and let everyone jockey for positon. It was a real cluster F***. I have 2 catering events each year that I go to Rudino's for and I think he may have just lost both of them. They are with a local college and I am in charge of the catering. I don't suspect this will make any difference to anyone but I had to get this off my chest. I will no longer go into a Rudino's because of this guy. I am going to write so many reviews on this situation that I hope it causes some domino effect. This Rudino's is minutes from my home and it is ashame that I wish it go out of business soon.