To the last person who wrote in, who I believe is the manager of this place, you are wrong! I was also there that night when a woman was being treated very rudely by YOU the manager. You wouldnt give the woman a refund even though the movie did not start yet. The women kindly explained that she wasnt happy with the condition of the place and her children didnt even want to see the movie in the theater because of the uncleanliness of the place and bad seating. YOU the manager VERY RUDELY told her that wasnt a good reason for a refund and that she should leave if she didnt like it there. if you had good customer service skills you would have POLITELY said im sorry but we cant give refunds. The women would have accepted that - i know this because not only was i there for the entire incident but i also spoke to the women afterwards. She honestly wasnt expecting a refund but could not believe the rude behavior of YOU the manager. YOU have poor customer service skills and choose to be very unprofessional. There was no reason for YOU to act this way - you obviously enjoy taking out your anger and frustrations on other people. After being treated so rudely by YOU the manager, the women was rude back - which was WELL deserved. You can dish out rudeness but cant handle it in return since you yelled to call the police on the woman. The womens child became upset and feared for their mother. The child was scared of you and wanted to get away. If the police came they would have arrested YOU the manager for the unsanitary conditions of this place . You are delusional if you think its a wonderful theater - its horrible AND SO ARE YOUR MANAGEMENT SKILLS! You are also a liar - your story is not true. I dont know how you live with yourself.