""I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our website and thank you in advance for your interest in Blue Lightning Protection. As you may have been able to see thus far, it is clear that BLP is not your typical security company. All too often our industry suffers from the employment of inadequately trained or unqualified personnel, not to mention the volume based management concept of 'quantity before quality' regarding client services. We are proud to set ourselves apart from the rest, and forge ahead achieving quality of service and professionalism. Our motto is DEDICATION TO EXCELLENCE. That begins with our careful selection of personnel, continues through personnel training and most importantly to you, passes on to the services we provide for our clients. Whether you are a prospective client, future BLP officer, or fellow member of our community, we welcome you and hope you find our site informative.""
Kind Regards,
John L. Scrivanich
President - BLP