I want to fill you in on my recovery. I go to a meeting everyday, and I h ave made many new friends in sobriety. I chair a speaker meeting on Wednesday nights, I have 2 sponsees, I do service work, and I am currently the GSR for my home group on Sunday.
I know it is a ""we"" program and I count on my higher power quite a bit. I couldn't have done it without the help of your treatment program and wonderful people like David Hickman and Don Peters!! Both men were very influential in my recovery.
I see Gianna K occasionally (another Sober Living by the Sea alum) and I recently ran into Tracy S as well. She was finally sober after a 15 month relapse!!
Linda N and I talk frequently. She still lives and works in Costa Mesa. She just celebrated 4 years too. We are good friends now but had trouble getting along as roommates!
Anyway, you asked for an update, so that's about all for now.
Please tell Don and David I am doing great!
Thanks again for the newsletter.