I was going through some really rough times and Nancy helped me so much faster than I could ever imagine.??I absolutely could never have succeeded without her.??She helped me grow and develop into the person I am today.??Her method and the suggestions she used were truly inspirational/insightful. She was empathetic, straightforward and seemed to truly listen.??I?ve learned to make good and honest decisions,??remembering to stay true to myself at all times or as best I can.??One of my biggest challenges that I had to face was learning to stand on my own two feet because my marriage ended just before I went to see Nancy.??Living in New York City alone was definitely a great challenge but with Nancy?s method, insight and support I do these things, and so much more comfortably and easily now.?I can?t thank Nancy enough for all that she?s done for me. I think she and her work are unique. You should try it. Thank you Nancy, thank you, thank you, thank you.