I had a groupon certificate for $125 which I used for a manicure ($40) and a pedicure ($60) and a shampoo and blow dry. I checked their website before making an appointment. They don't list their manicure or pedicure prices; however, they list their shampoo and blow dry at $24.50. So when I made an appointment I asked about the manicure and pedicure prices and was surprised they were priced so high.
When I arrived I had a short (15 minute) wait until they asked me to choose a nail color. The little alcove where these are stored was so dark I really couldn't tell what the colors were. I chose one I thought was pinkish red but it turned out to be on the orange side. O.K., my mistake. They seated me on an uncomfortable bench for two people (another person was getting a manicure next to me) where I was given the poorly done pedicure and manicure. They used a stainless steel mixing bowl for the foot bath. I didn't complain because I suppose she did the the best she knew how. I have received manicure/pedicures at the strip mall nail places that were much better for $30.
Next she shampooed my hair but didn't even get the neck line wet much less shampooed. I told her I didn't feel the lower back of my hair got shampooed. She said it will get wet when I comb it. She did an o.k. job with the blow dry but I was charged $30 for it instead of the price on the website and what I was quoted on the phone.
Even though the groupon was priced at $50, I owed another $14.10 plus I gave a measly tip of $15. So I was out appx. $80 for a poorly done mani/pedi and shampoo and blow dry. It was a total waste of my time and money.