You are very much entitled to your opinion Ken. However, in this circumstance the fact of the matter is much, much different than your story. We strive at Ultimate to provide the best in customer service and we daily attempt to go above and beyond for our customers. The alleged problem was not even brought to our attention untill at least 2 months had passed after the job was done. There was no evidence at all that it happend in our shop. The owner of our shop in no way admitted to any wrong doing or conspiracy to cover up a dent. I am wondering how you came to the conclusion that the 'damage' happend with us after at least 2 months had passed? I am also wondering how the damage could have happend here when you also claimed that it happend at Les Schwab as well. We did everything within our power to try and help you in this situation. What we could not do though, was take responsibility for something that did not happen at our shop. I guess Les Schwab has the same mind set tha