Though I had made a commitment, 23 days before setting foot in this studio, to digging myself out of the most health-threatening stage of my life, the fortitude to continue on the path has come from Bamboomoves. That alone would have been enough to give the support and inspiration I've found here a 4-star-rating, instead, my experience has broken through any rating system. My journey here has been invaluable, priceless, immeasurable, not merely life transforming, it has been literally life saving!\r
Since becoming a student here in September 2009, I’ve lost 51 pounds, completely reversed a pre-diabetic / metabolic syndrome state, the stupor of depressive inactivity (which had lasted 11 years) has been completely vanquished, I feel and look better than I did 20 years ago --(my friends at work promoted me from just “skinny” to “skinny bitch”), my energy level and my ability to face stress is through the roof, I am more compassionate, and, more importantly, I am more available to my family, and a better mother than ever before to my two beautiful children who are on the autistic spectrum! \r
Moreover, there have been even more profound changes, which space and time do not allow for elaboration in this forum. These are the changes that I yearned but didn’t expect the extent and the rapidity with which I have attained them, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. Like the dimensions of asanas in yoga which are never ending, so is the depth and meaning of my life. I may not know all the things I am going to accomplish, but I know this is big, bigger than I ever thought possible. As a dear friend told me: “You are going to fly!” \r
How incredible to know that my life’s flight instructor has been here in the center of my heart all along, how appreciative and indebted to my instructors at Bamboomoves I feel for pointing me in the direction of that inner teacher! Thank you, a thousand times and more, thank you. Especialmente para mi profesor Yoshio, una lluvia eterna de \r
agradecimientos y besos!\r
If you are serious about attaining the life of a yogi, then you’ll automatically remain unconcerned about the lack of a door, or any petty nonsense not even worth mentioning, and you’ll immediately see this is a place where true yoga lives!\r
Pros: Instructors who go beyond the call of duty, they live yoga!
Cons: NONE!