I have been a groomer for almost 20 years. People that do not groom do not understand the fight that sometimes takes place when a dog is being groomed. It you think that your pet just stands there you are sadly mistaken. There is so much going on, other dogs people coming in and out and so on. There are times that cuts happen but never think that a groomer that has a love for animals would ever cut a pet just for the fun of it. If you knew what hard work it was to be a groomer you would have to know that a groomer is not in it for the money and must love animals Even someone that has been grooming for many years has the heart breaking experience of cutting your pet in their grooming world. Groomers have to not only deal with YOU but your barking, nervous and some times biting dog. When a groomer gets bit do we get any heart felt sorry from you NO! You do nothing with your dog between grooming and bring in this mess of a pet that you say you love and think that we can make it look like