You can be rest assured that you can expect two things when shopping at Bucci's. One of them being to expect nothing but the highest quality jewelry and the other (most importantly) the best customer service around. I designed a custom engagement ring for my fiance being that no other jeweler had what I was specifically looking for. Joe convinced me that the ring would come out perfect and he executed the plan just as he had promised me. No words could ever elaborate just how well the precise craftsmanship and detailing came into play as he showed me the finished ring. It was more than beautiful. For some strange reason, the same loss for words I had the day the ring was done was coincidentally the same outcome of emotion for my fiance ;) I recommend anyone, having done research or not, to come to Bucci's and be completely impressed. He will make your vision and dream into one of most memorable and wonderful moments you and your loved one will share within a lifetime.