I entered into a termite bond contract with B&B. The salesman told me that I would need to pay one-third the total fee for treatment at the time of service and had up to one year to pay the remaining balance. He also stated [and hand wrote on my contract] that I could pay the total off within 5 months and have the finance charges waived. So the first two months, I logged into my account on their website and saw only two options; pay the $7.75 finance fee or the total remaining balance. The finance fee was listed as the only amount due, so that is what I paid. On the third month, I received a phone call from their billing department saying that my account was past due and that my account was going over to their collection agency. They changed the balance due time-frame from 12 months to 5 months and only gave me 2 1/2 months before threatening me with collections. Be aware of their shady business practices.