Our Dusky Conure needs to see an avian vet. Like most people living in reality in 2010, we've been nearly crippled by the economy. However, we do have Care Credit for veterinary services. This avian practice does not accept Care Credit or make payment plan arrangements.
We believe our Dusky Conure's foot is broken, and we know a vet visit right now is not going to be ""out of the pocket affordable"", especially since he will need X-rays, a splint, wrapping, pain medication, antibiotics and follow up visits.
We have officially stopped exploring other options and taken him to our existing and expensive avian vet. At least they're business savvy and will accommodate people, as well as pets.
This clinic very well may be ""good"", but nothing says ""caring"" more than providing OPTIONS for people to HELP their pets.
Very disappointed!