I completely agree with rabbitrun64 titled ""dubious reviews"" below. The dude writes his own reviews. I went to him with a certain painful condition that he told me he was an expert in. After first acupuncture session, I felt a temporary relief. The next day, pain was back as before. Encouraged by the first session, I was going to him every week, often twice a week, but didn't experience any noticeable relief any more. He gave me some herbs and showed some exercises, and encouraged me to continue seeing him for acupuncture. After a while, I realized I wasn't getting anywhere with this. I did my research, found some good books about my condition, and found a good physical therapist. With help of that therapist and special exercises that I found in the books, I began feeling much better, and I did not need any acupuncture. I felt betrayed by him. If he was an expert in that field like he said, why didn't he tell me about physical therapy? Knowing what I know now, acupuncture alone, even with those lame exercises that he showed me, would have NEVER EVER resolved my condition. He either knowingly withheld that information from me, or he just doesn't know what he is doing. And now I see he is jumping on the whole infertility wagon - just don't...