The following has been my experience with Munson Marine of Fox Lake, Illinois over the past 4 months. They have left me no choice but to take legal action and precede though Honda Marine Group...
I purchased a brand new 2009 South Bay Pontoon with a Honda 50 HP 4-Stroke Motor from Munson Marine of Fox Lake in April of 2010. I paid for the boat with a check on the spot and test drove the boat immediately after. During test drive, I noticed the boat not accelerating properly and stalling out numerous times when we accelerated. The Munson mechanic who was on the boat actually tried to tell me this was normal! He was also extremely limited to what features of the boat he knew about, like the navigation, fish finder, radio, etc. I spoke to a service person, as well as Sam, the Sales Manager of Munson, when we got off the boat and told them something was not right with the motor. They both assured me everything would be checked and repaired before delivering the boat to me in early May - 4 weeks later. I believed them.