Mr. Melvin Satterfield is a very humorous man who is not only nice to his customers, but his employees as well; something you simply do not see in alot of bosses. I walked in one day and asked him for a price on my antique wardrobe closet and he offered me a discount. He was very respectful and nice, and someone that can get the job done. i brought my closet in the next day and he took it and made it look like new by the end of the third day! I could not believe it. That thing had been sitting in our basement for so long, but I never knew how beautiful it was!
Melvin introduced me to a couple employees and they talked with me while he was crunching numbers. I was very pleased with the pricing, and I have came back twice since then for a couple antique chair repairs. The only thing I do not like about Browser's Welcome is that people give it a bad rap. Alot of people leave here happy, but only a couple write a bad review. Actually, remembering it better, when he called me down to pick it up, there was an unexpected streak left from one of the employees who must have accidentally rubbed against it when it was being stripped and steel-wooled.
Melvin's employee immediately took notice and informed Melvin. He offered me a 10% discount on it and I picked it up the next day, with a complimentary coupon. I may not have alot of experience as a reviewer, but I know quality work when I see it. I am giving Browser's Welcome a 5-Star rating for absolute satisfaction. Other companies around here would have avoided me and just would've shoved the messed up furniture on me, but Melvin gave me a nice discount. That was nice and I am proud to have written this review for him!