When I met Kathi the owner I was at 202, no energy, had been to the gym tried all sorts of diets. I was working from the outside in when actually it should have been from the inside out. The Prices in this area outrageous. Kathi is a very professional person with a touch of personal care as she truly has passion for getting people well. As a Pastor I am also interested in the whole man walking in total health. Many people working in the secular world are losing jobs and I did too. Numerous issues have arrived and sadly since not visiting help for health, my weight is up to 242. I will be returning back to help for health next month and with give you the victorius update. In order to be effective as a Pastor, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, I must practice what I preach. This young woman can get you where you need to be so that you can prevent sicknesses, live and not die!