I must admit that I am not always a firm believer in technology but I must say that the services at American Laser Center exceeded my expectations without breaking my budget. I have struggled with acne throughout my life (even into my thirties) and it has left large pores and pocking as well as scarring from two reconstructive surgeries on my face from a brutal motorcycle accident. Stacy suggested the E matrix treatments and the results have truly been a gift. The scarring has faded significantly and many of my pores have diminished. Three weeks out from my last treatment I am continuing to see changes and celebrate the face I was meant to have. A special bonus has come from the treatments as well I am starting to get mistaken for being in my early twenties without the the stiff botox or plastic face-lift look! I am getting carded and ask out by younger men. Sometimes good things do come to those who wait. Thanks again Stacy!