Chris Shuler, you made a BIG MISTAKE, when you tried to rip me off, but regrettable it did not work with me. I told you that I was not going to stop, until I got my money back and until you have been exposed by the news. By the way how does it feel to have your mug shot on the news for the second time, revealing the real truth about you. You are still lying about not knowing what your mechanics are doing, your are a BIG LIAR, and you know it. Your Manager Mark Robin is also a BIG LIAR, he also know what is going on in all 3 of your shops. You also did not fired any of your mechanics as you stated to Tod Ulrich, I know because when Mark Robin said the same thing to me on 2/9/2010 ( Same day that he gave me a full refund, after I filed my complaint with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs), the same mechanic that worked on my car was still there, even though Mark Robin told me that he was fired. Also how about when you did not applied for the Orange County Business Tax Receipts, until I found out and reported you to the County, then you went and got them after the County served you with papers. This Shows everybody that you are a BIG CROOK. You did the same thing in Fort Worth Texas. Which place are you going to next and start ripping people off all over again, once you are chased out of Orlando, Florida. YOU ARE A BIG CROOK AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!