This shooting range is one of the best around. I have been shooting for several years and this one is by far the best i have ever been to.Best gun prices around and the staff is fabulous. they are not only knowledgeable but firm when it come to safety. I was lucky to be there when one of the employees had to kick someone out because that customer was not following the rules. They argued and tried to talk their way out of it but i was happy to see that the employee ( older man, very tall, white hair) didnt budge on the rules. That further proves that this range is a safe one to be at. I have done some searching on line and have read some reviews about this place where the customer was less than satisfied but I believe you disgruntled custmers fail to realize that this is not just a typical biz, ITS A DANGEROUS BIZ, guns are nothing to take lightly. if you dont follow the safety rules be prepared to be kicked out. Dont take it personal its for your safety and the safety of others. and one post i read said something about ON TARGET not ""manning the cameras"" well I feel it nesessary to inform you that there are over 32 cameras watching you. So if you are caught doing something that you are not supposed to (which is why customers get kicked out) they have proof. So stop being so childish and learn that if you follow the rules then you can play.. pretty simple.. keep up the good work guys!!