The quality ingredients are there, but Orso doesn't consistently quite pull it all together. sometimes overcooked or lacking cheese, etc. This is common, for ex, take Grimaldis. I've tried many Patsy's Grimaldis & none compare to the brooklyn orig. I live in TX, but travel the country tryign pizza :) In DC, I've tried Orso (duh), 2 Amys, Red Rocks, Paradisio, Pizzaiolo, Piola, Faccia Luna, Pete's, Posto, Famous Luggi, Rustico, Tonys, Comet PP, 7th Hill, Albertos, Valintinos, Italian Store, Flippin, Z Pizza & many more. DC Favs: True NY: Valintonos hands down (Infact, better than the over-rated Bleeker st pizza in NY) variation of NY: Flippin and Pizzaiolo Chicago: Famous Luggi Gourmet: 2 Amys / Red Rocks Wish theres space to write more!