I read the review by StarGirl999 and this person (even with the New Yorker Attitude) must be on drugs or something and self-centered for sure. This vet clinic is the best ever. Both myself and my Breeder bring our Dalmatians to any of the Vets on duty there as they are ALL AWESOME. The staff is the best on the planet and their caring ways show me they love what they do and how well they do their jobs.
My very first visit was to put my 16 year old Dalmatian down. I was amazed at what I encountered there... you would have thought my pooch and myself were life long family friends. We could not have been better treated even if they were all my personal family.
What ever this StarGirl is demented about seems to be all about money and not about the pet. Her wanting something for free is absurd. So the clinic should go to work for free so if the outcome is not what the customer demands (although life/death is always out of any ones control). Then the customer doesn't have to pay? As in, I just had cancer surgery again this past week... should I not pay the wonderful professionals that assist me just because I have not (yet) been cured?
Get a life StarGirl999. And, for the rest of us pet lovers - run, don't walk! THIS PLACE IS THE BEST OF THE BEST. PERIOD.
Pros: The Best Vet Ever