my dog was suddenly breathing hard on 1/23/2010. Just looking at her I could still that she probably had pneumonia. When I got her to McClave they did a x ray and Doctor Hutchinson us, (husband and I) that she had congested heart failure. We disagreed, but she insisted she was right. I insisted on antibiotics just in case. After two days of treatment and a bill for over two thousand dollars, Dr Miller referred her to a heart specialist because she was not responding to treatment. The heart specialist confirmed what we suspected all alone, pneumonia, This cost in additional $2,200.00. She was still not getting any better and I returned her to McClave a few more times, Finally they decided to do the lab work and remove and test the fluid from her lungs, another $700.00 . She had bacterial pneumonia. All together this cost me about $6,000.00!!!! I still owe them 1,600.00. They made other errors as well. Twice they suggested that I have my dog put down because there was nothing that they c