I just moved back to middle Tennessee. About 10 years ago, my dogs went here, and they did okay, now is a different story. \r
I took my Great Dane here to get spayed a couples months ago. A couple weeks after her getting fixed I noticed she had lumps around her scar. I took her back to the vet. They told me it was "nothing" (just some serum). A couple days after that I noticed she developed a lump on her back about the same size as her stomach. Again, I went back to the vet. The doctor again told me it was "nothing." Well, the very text morning (a mere 14 hours later) when I woke up, I noticed my dogs scar and stomach were both blue and the lump on her back had grown. \r
I got sick of being told it was nothing, so I immediately took her to Cool Springs Animal Hospital. Lilly had a severe reaction to her sutures. The lumps that they told me were "nothing" were completely filled with bacteria (that Williamson County Animal Hospital had somehow [no idea how] completely missed). She also