I went on a boat tour this weekend with some friends that were in town. I had previously taken the Red & White Fleet's tour and enjoyed that one much better.
First, the tour on the Blue and Gold Fleet was broadcast over a loudspeaker. The stories told were ok, but not super interesting or engaging. I wish I would have learned more about all the neighborhoods we were passing and the Easy Bay (like on the Red and White Fleet tour) instead of little tidbits from the lives of people who lived on Alcatraz. Some of the Alcatraz information was interesting, though.
Second, we drove around Alcatraz Island twice. I think this was somewhat unnecessary. If they were looking to stretch the tour another 20 mins they could have driven closer to the East bay. They also drove close to the Bay Bridge, but didn't talk about any of the history.
I was pretty disappointed with this tour.
Pros: Long trip
Cons: bad guide, no history, hard to hear